Scent Selector 101: A Guide to Your Perfect Perfume

Scents have a significant impact on us and those in our surroundings. We bet you have been drawn to someone just because they smelled magical. We know we have. Finding the perfect scent means you feel more confident, more memorable, and more attractive.  

With HayatiNY's scent selector, you can find a perfume that resonates with you.  You don't choose a perfume just because it's popular but because you want it to be an extension of your identity.  Invest some thought into picking the perfect scent for you. At Hayati, you will find the following scents, and here's why you might love them.

Let's discover scents offered at Hayati and which might be your jam.


At Hayati, we pride ourselves on our Oud perfumes. We have a selection for both men and women. But what would make you pick Oud? If you like the blend of an adventurous yet sophisticated scent, Oud is the way to go. It can be typically described as intense, earthy, and sensual. It is a deep scent, originating and famous in the Middle East, Asia, and worldwide. 


The eye-catching beauty and a symbol of love — the rose is one of the most popular scents in the olfactory world. Roses are the ultimate Valentine's Say Gift, and its scent has been loved for generations, and rightfully so. It has a relaxing and rejuvenating fragrance. Its scent is memorable and can leave a lingering memory for your date nights. 


With spices, think nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, cardamom and more. Spicy scents offer a true fall feeling throughout the year.  The warm and sweet scent entices many perfume enthusiasts and stimulates the minds and palates of wearers. 


Do you like spending time outdoors? If your ideal days deem spending time in nature, then floral scents are for you. Floral scents are sweet and powdery with a hint of cream. Imagine passing by a flower shop, fresh cut flowers, jasmine, and lilies — if that's your cup of tea,  are for you.  


If you are drawn to warm, dense, and complex scents, you will understand the value of woody and musky scents. They are perfect for the ultimate masculine scent, but once blended with other fragrances, they curate contemporary scents ideal for him and her. 



Think line, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit and oranges. Citrus scents provide an instant burst of invigorating energy. Perfume lovers find citrus scents to be uplifting, clean, and fresh. Citrus perfumes offer a zesty, tangy, and sweet scent — perfect for everyday wear. 


Like citrus scents, but a bit more on the dewy and sweeter side —  fruity scents offer a similar refreshing feeling. Anyone who loves fruity scents isn't afraid to express themselves, live carefree, and experiment. Fruity scents are just like the first crisp air of spring day; they are genuinely calming.


Used to create rich oriental scents, amber combines many popular scents, such as vanilla and patchouli.  Its intense scent is known to evoke sensuality and ancient wisdom. It's the ideal unisex scent for those who love deep, musky, long-lasting perfumes. 

French Oriental

The Renaissance Era was the turning point for French perfumes as they feature amber, vanilla, and jasmine scents. If you like sticking to one signature scent, French Oriental perfumes are for you. They have a deep fragrance that is not too overpowering. 


Often warm scents are dense and over-powering. However, with musk you can explore the same depth with a more sweet and clean feeling. Musky perfumes have an impression of woodsy, earthy and powdery arome. You may even be able to notice fruity and floral undertones. 

Final Word 

Signing off with a pro tip for choosing the perfect perfume: Always test before you invest. Always try a perfume on your skin before buying it, as the fragrance may smell different on your skin compared to a tester strip. 

Hayati offers a myriad of options for you to find a new perfume. Our discovery sets make it easier for you to find your signature scent easily, while the complimentary 2ml bottle with each full size perfume allows you to try before you commit. Find out more about this here.

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